I read a lot. More so ever since I've reduced my TV intake to about 3 shows a week. The problem with that is there is some much to read and so little time. I know, everyone says that, but for me it's actually a problem.
It seems like the more you read and are seen reading, the more people have a book that they think you would enjoy. Or it is, in fact, a book you would enjoy. It gets loaned to you, or it sits on the shelf at the bookstore with that little voice saying "buy me, buy me. I just want to be read." And so forth.
So I have more books than I know what to do with.
I'm currently reading three. One lightweight one: the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. I picked that one back up because it was late, I couldn't sleep and a really needed something that I wouldn't have to really think about. Also with the movie coming out in a week, I thought I would remind myself that it really is a good story even if the film people haven't a clue.
One Shakespeare play: the Tempest. I've never read it before nor seen it performed, so I thought I'd pick it up. Also, I was reluctant to go to class and needed something to read for an hour. It was $1.95. cheapest interesting thing I could find. To say a vast understatement, it's pretty good so far.
One tough book: Godel, Esher and Bach. It's a book about mathematics, knowledge representation, thinking and machines. Weird. Fascinating. Well written. Pretty much all that I would love to write myself. It uses an allegorical device for describing concepts between chapters. This makes the material surprisingly accessible.
Now I just got a fourth book. It's a loaner. Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell, a novel. The thing about loaners, for me anyway, is that I have to read them right away, otherwise, it will never be read. This is true for any book I own, even one's that I've started. If, for some reason, I have to stop a book for an extended period of time, I may never come back to it. Also if I don't start it right away, it will never get started, due to the fact that I may no longer be /in the mood for/interested in/care about/ the book.
So, for now, I have a fourth. It's going to be a busy Spring.
Carne Asado
9 years ago
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